La República de Vanuatu es un país localizado en el Océano Pacífico Sur. El archipiélago está localizado a unos 1.750 km al este de Australia, 500 km al noreste de Nueva Caledonia, al oeste de Fiji y al sur de las Islas Salomón. Su nombre colonial era Nuevas Hébridas; este nombre sólo es usado para referencias históricas
Brussels, 18 November 2009
The WCO now has 176 Members
On 17 November 2009, the Republic of Vanuatu deposited with the Belgian Government its instrument of accession to the Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council.
The WCO is pleased to welcome Vanuatu into the international Customs family.
Vanuatu is a State located in the South Pacific Ocean. The archipelago is composed of 83 islands that are volcanic in origin.
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